Terms of use

The general provisions of the Confederation apply to the DDPS media library in accordance with http://www.disclaimer.admin.ch.

Licensing conditions for media from vod.dma.swiss
The use of the media under the Creative Commons license version 3.0.

Under this license model, each individual medium (photos, videos, ...) has an independent license for use. You can see the license in the detailed view of a medium.

With each media download you will receive the license terms again in the form of a text file.

The DMA is in no case liable for the violation of personal rights, immaterial or material rights of third parties. It also assumes no responsibility for any damage resulting from downloaded or sent files. The copyrights and property rights always remain with AFDM. Any legal action is reserved, regardless of the above. The exclusive place of jurisdiction is Bern. In any case only Swiss law is applicable.

Creative Commons License Version 3.0 - CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 CH
All media of the Mediathek VBS can be used under the following license.

Attribution - Non-Commercial - No Derivative Works 3.0 Switzerland.

You may:

Share - Reproduce and redistribute the material in any format or medium. The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you abide by the terms of the license.

Under the following conditions:

Attribution - You must provide appropriate copyright and rights notices, include a link to the license, and indicate whether any modifications have been made. These disclosures may be made in any reasonable manner, but not in such a way as to give the impression that the licensor is specifically endorsing you or your use.

Non-commercial - You may not use the material for commercial purposes.

No Edits - If you remix, modify, or otherwise directly build upon the Material, you may not distribute the edited version of the Material.

No Additional Restrictions - You may not use any additional clauses or technical processes that legally prohibit others from doing anything that the license permits.


You need not comply with this License with respect to those portions of the Material that are in the public domain or to the extent that your acts of use are covered by exceptions and limitations to copyright. No warranties are given or implied. The license may not give you all the permissions you need for the particular use. For example, there may be other rights, such as privacy and data protection rights, that restrict your use of the material accordingly.

Full and binding legal text of the license https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ch/legalcode.de
Using a CC+ Company License - Commercial Use of Media
Commercial use of Armed Forces Digital Media Centre AFDM media requires permission and may be subject to fees.

For permission for commercial use, please send your request to:

Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport
Armed Forces Digital Media Centre AFDM
Customer service media agency
CH-3003 Berne
E-mail: dma-info.lba@vtg.admin.ch

The Media Customer Service will review your request and notify you in writing of the rejection or of the approval and the costs.

The Armed Forces Digital Media Centre AFDM publishes content from various media partners on vod.dma.swiss. For these media partners, the Armed Forces Digital Media Centre AFDM does not grant permission for commercial use.